South Pacific Avenue, Cherry Street to Vine Street Pavement, Sidewalk, Sewer and Storm Drain Reconstruction
Work will begin Monday, May 14, to reconstruct the pavement, sewer and portions of the sidewalk and storm drain in South Pacific Avenue between Cherry Street and Vine Street. NW Construction General Contracting, Inc, Battle Ground will complete the work under contract with the City of Kelso. Construction will be completed by August 31, 2018.
During the construction work, sections of South Pacific Avenue will be closed, typically two blocks at a time, and detours around the closures will be provided. No vehicular access or parking will be allowed on South Pacific Avenue in the closed blocks. Any vehicles parked in the closed sections will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Transit will be rerouted on South Pacific during the project. Contact RiverCities Transit, 360-442-5663, for details.
If you have questions about the project, contact Paul Klope, 360-577-3322.
Updates will be posted on the City’s webpage and Facebook page.